Akshara -The girl's name Akshara comes from the Indian word which means, "Letter" (Alphabets). It also stems from the Sanskrit word which means, "Imperishable. Everlasting. That which cannot be destroyed". It is also another name for Goddess Lakshmi. Meena - is my Mother's name. Also a Goddess' name.
I put together both the names and made them as one. Both Akshara and Meena can be used separately also as a shorter version.
Cheers, Joe & Nandini.
von Joe Zeit=1/17sek. ISO=640, 0, 0 Brennweite=3,4 mm Entfernung=Unbekannt Samsung Galaxy Nexus 2012:10:29 18:00:29 Blitz löste nicht aus Automatischer Weißabgleich Dateiname=2012-10-29_18.00.29.jpg 2012.10.29-18.00.29.jpg